Paul Blomfield Former MP for Sheffield Central
Monday 28th January – Last week the Fair Deal for Sheffield campaign launched. The campaign, which I’m backing, aims to highlight the disproportionate impact of the cuts on Sheffield and to make the case for fair funding for our city. A wide range of faith leaders in the city, including both Bishops, have come together with MPs, Councillors, community organisations, trade unions, and representatives from the voluntary sector to back it.
This isn’t a party political campaign; MPs and Councillors of all parties have been invited to join it. We simply want to highlight how Government cuts to our public, voluntary and community services, as well as benefit changes, are combining to hit Sheffield harder than many wealthier places. For example, between 2010/11 and 2012/13, Sheffield Council’s funding was cut by £139 per person but Richmond on Thames’ was reduced by just £11.99. It’s unfair and we can’t go on like this. There is more evidence about why we need a fair deal in the campaign briefing document which you can download here
At the heart of the campaign is a ‘people’s petition‘ to the Government. As a first step, we need 5000 signatures so that a special Council debate can be held to endorse the petition. The e-petition can be signed at Please sign and share the link with family, friends, colleagues, members and neighbours, and share the campaign on Twitter and Facebook too. You can also download campaign leaflets and petition sheets to print off yourself and share.
The campaign isn’t about asking for special treatment, just fair funding and a fair deal for our city. It’s already received a lot of support and I hope you will be able to support it too.